Green Kiss

Putting on the bins
April 27, 2009, 3:14 pm
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After this study, we have decided to put on a new kind of bins specially conceived for the paper waste collection. This approach would be made in collaboration with the administration of the school to help the collection process. After putting the waste in the right place the cleaning staff can remove it into the bins of the company responsible of the waste removing in the school.

         Our goal is to make students involved into this step of the recycling process. We have decided to put the new kinds of bins in the places we have noted previously so we can act immediately and efficiently on the paper waste.

         In every printing room there will be a new green bin in which we can put all kinds of used paper and only PAPER! With those bins we have conceived a poster to inform the student about the use of those bins and give him the link to our blog to discover our activity and make any suggestions or propositions.

logo_recycle_jpg_vignette_137 Those bins are made from cardboard which make their cost lower and offer us the possibility of putting more paper recycling bins for our budget. In fact, this bins costs around the 46 Euros while other bins could cost even 100 Euro. The color is vibrant green to emphasis the students’ waste paper recycling initiative. The capacity of those bins is 60 litters so they don’t need to be emptied as often.

         The second kind we propose is bigger than the first one and suits the best for the printer rooms end places where there is a lot of paper waste. 

            Those bins have a capacity of 120 litters, so there would be no more paper scattered next to the printers. A bin costs only 39 Euros!


Poster for student
April 27, 2009, 3:09 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

This poster will be placed on the top of the bins to contribute to the communication system



Green Kiss with the Green Jobs for all initiative
April 22, 2009, 11:44 am
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Earth Day 2009: Make it about the Planet and People

Make this Earth Day about the planet – and people.  The last few years have made it clear to everyone that the fate of our planet and the fate of our species are woven together and cannot be separated. 

In the painful grip of the worst global economic crisis since the Great Depression, we can see that caring for the people who inhabit the planet cannot be isolated from caring for the planet. Fortunately, we can do both – at the same time

We join this operation by using a poster.


Green Kiss Celebrating The Earth Day
April 22, 2009, 11:39 am
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The Earth Day is celebrated in the entire World, Green Kiss joins this celebration by its own work on the campus of ESIEE PARIS

Our Logo
April 15, 2009, 11:26 am
Filed under: Uncategorized



This logo was realised by Karmous Wael